What is Spencer Levin's current world ranking?

Spencer Levin is not currently ranked in the top 300 of the world golf rankings.

What is Spencer Levin's peak world ranking?

Spencer Levin's peak world ranking occured on June 4, 2012, when he was ranked #60 with 2.257 world ranking points.

Spencer Levin Year End World Rankings

Year Ranking Points
2008 211 0.84
2009 >300
2010 245 0.72
2011 93 1.70
2012 133 1.24
2013 >300
2014 >300
2015 275 0.64
2016 234 0.77
2017 >300
2018 >300
2019 >300
2020 >300
2021 >300
2022 >300
2023 373 0.36

World ranking over time

World ranking over time for Spencer Levin

World ranking points over time

World ranking points over time for Spencer Levin

World ranking points over time vs #1

World ranking points over time for Spencer Levin vs the world #1