What is Richard Green's current world ranking?

Richard Green is not currently ranked in the top 300 of the world golf rankings.

What is Richard Green's peak world ranking?

Richard Green's peak world ranking occured on August 20, 2007, when he was ranked #29 with 3.100 world ranking points.

Richard Green Year End World Rankings

Year Ranking Points
1996 162 1.15
1997 125 1.39
1998 >300
1999 >300
2000 185 1.03
2001 117 1.24
2002 141 1.08
2003 >300
2004 61 2.01
2005 70 1.72
2006 65 1.98
2007 40 2.58
2008 61 2.07
2009 125 1.29
2010 60 2.21
2011 99 1.63
2012 213 0.84
2013 >300
2014 218 0.82
2015 158 1.11

World ranking over time

World ranking over time for Richard Green

World ranking points over time

World ranking points over time for Richard Green

World ranking points over time vs #1

World ranking points over time for Richard Green vs the world #1