What is Marcel Siem's current world ranking?

Marcel Siem is currently ranked 204th in the world as of the most recent February 10 world rankings.

What is Marcel Siem's peak world ranking?

Marcel Siem's peak world ranking occured on April 8, 2013, when he was ranked #48 with 2.423 world ranking points.

Has Marcel Siem won a major?

No, Marcel Siem has not won any major championships.

Marcel Siem Year End World Rankings

Year Ranking Points
2004 148 1.04
2005 >300
2006 >300
2007 >300
2008 >300
2009 259 0.68
2010 268 0.67
2011 253 0.71
2012 60 2.08
2013 90 1.57
2014 62 2.25
2015 148 1.15
2016 >300
2017 291 0.66
2018 >300
2019 >300
2020 >300
2021 202 0.86
2022 331 0.50
2023 150 0.82
2024 174 0.78

World ranking over time

World ranking over time for Marcel Siem

World ranking points over time

World ranking points over time for Marcel Siem

World ranking points over time vs #1

World ranking points over time for Marcel Siem vs the world #1