What is Corey Pavin's current world ranking?

Corey Pavin is not currently ranked in the top 300 of the world golf rankings.

What is Corey Pavin's peak world ranking?

Corey Pavin's peak world ranking occured on May 27, 1996, when he was ranked #2 with 10.100 world ranking points.

Has Corey Pavin been ranked number 1?

No, Corey Pavin has never been ranked #1 in the world. The closest he came was on May 27, 1996 when he was ranked #2.

How many weeks has Corey Pavin been ranked in the top 10?

Corey Pavin has spent a total of 52 weeks ranked in the top 10. His longest stretch was 47 consecutive weeks between January 1, 1996 and November 18, 1996.

Weeks in Top 10

Consecutive Weeks Dates
47 January 1, 1996 - November 18, 1996
2 January 6, 1997 - January 13, 1997
3 January 27, 1997 - February 10, 1997

Corey Pavin Year End World Rankings

Year Ranking Points
1996 11 6.94
1997 76 2.13
1998 >300
1999 115 1.57
2000 194 0.99
2001 >300
2002 >300
2003 >300
2004 153 1.02
2005 144 1.04
2006 107 1.38
2007 222 0.79
2008 258 0.71
2009 >300
2010 187 0.89

World ranking over time

World ranking over time for Corey Pavin

World ranking points over time

World ranking points over time for Corey Pavin

World ranking points over time vs #1

World ranking points over time for Corey Pavin vs the world #1