What is Branden Grace's current world ranking?

Branden Grace is not currently ranked in the top 300 of the world golf rankings.

What is Branden Grace's peak world ranking?

Branden Grace's peak world ranking occured on August 1, 2016, when he was ranked #10 with 5.636 world ranking points.

How many weeks has Branden Grace been ranked in the top 10?

Branden Grace has spent a total of 6 weeks ranked in the top 10. His longest stretch was 2 consecutive weeks between February 15, 2016 and February 22, 2016.

Weeks in Top 10

Consecutive Weeks Dates
2 February 15, 2016 - February 22, 2016
2 July 4, 2016 - July 11, 2016
2 August 1, 2016 - August 8, 2016

Branden Grace Year End World Rankings

Year Ranking Points
2011 271 0.64
2012 34 3.17
2013 50 2.34
2014 82 1.77
2015 14 4.18
2016 16 4.49
2017 30 3.15
2018 49 2.40
2019 125 1.30
2020 126 1.28
2021 68 1.86
2022 181 0.88

World ranking over time

World ranking over time for Branden Grace

World ranking points over time

World ranking points over time for Branden Grace

World ranking points over time vs #1

World ranking points over time for Branden Grace vs the world #1