What is Bob Estes's current world ranking?

Bob Estes is not currently ranked in the top 300 of the world golf rankings.

What is Bob Estes's peak world ranking?

Bob Estes's peak world ranking occured on August 12, 2002, when he was ranked #13 with 4.170 world ranking points.

Bob Estes Year End World Rankings

Year Ranking Points
1996 127 1.39
1997 130 1.36
1998 45 3.16
1999 30 3.86
2000 62 2.71
2001 18 4.08
2002 24 3.35
2003 40 2.50
2004 76 1.70
2005 114 1.28
2006 133 1.18
2007 245 0.69
2008 >300
2009 200 0.88
2010 295 0.61
2011 >300
2012 165 1.08
2013 177 0.98

World ranking over time

World ranking over time for Bob Estes

World ranking points over time

World ranking points over time for Bob Estes

World ranking points over time vs #1

World ranking points over time for Bob Estes vs the world #1